According to this bug, whenever you try to download big size file a quick download UI will appear, where users can change the file name, location, accompanied by a checkbox to not show this message again or do this for all subsequent large downloads. There’s no mention of what is minimum file size to trigger this feature.
Smart Suggestion for Large Downloads
The feature is enabled behind the flag in latest version of Chrome Canary for Android device. In case, you want to try it out, then here’s what you need to do: Make sure, you’re using Chrome Canary v87.0.4241.0 or above. In the Search bar, you need to type “Smart suggestion for large downloads” with description Smart suggestion that offers download locations for large files. Using the drop-down change the settings from Default to Enabled. Tap Relaunch button to apply the changes. As of writing this blog post, the feature is only available for Chrome for Android, but it’s possible that the company will add to Chrome for desktop too.