Beyond that, our means of communication and transportation are all programming products. Therefore, it is safe to say that programming is a skill that is indispensable in the digital world. In the US, a programmer earns an average of $89,600 per year. At the same time, seasoned programmers could earn as much as $142,000 per year. But a programmer who specializes in Java app development earns an average of 108,968 per year. Making programming one of the most paid skills in the US. You are thinking of what to do to become a programmer in the Java language, right? To achieve that, you need to be grounded on Java programming language. CodeGym platform can help you achieve your desire to learn Java programming language. Also, you can learn more in this post Before we get into the activities of learning to program, it will be great to familiarize ourselves with programming and programming languages briefly.
Meaning of Programming and Programming language
In simple terms, programming is the process of writing codes that instruct computers, machines, or software how to perform a specific task. While programming gives the instruction, the programming language is the language that computers understand, and programmers use it to develop codes that instruct computers on which task to perform at a particular time. Some of the most used programming languages include but are not limited to Java, JavaScript, Python, Rust, Kotlin, C++, HTML, etc Now we are familiar with programming and programming language, let us delve into the learning aspect, shall we?
1. Start with a Language that Supports your Goal
Choosing and focusing on a programming language that helps you reach your programming goals is one of the fastest methods to learn to program. After that, get some proficiency in that language. Learn the syntax of the language and the ins and outs of topics like variables, conditionals, operators, loops, etc. It would be best to comprehend how these ideas interact when constructing a project. While learning how to program, do not use the mindset of just learning because you want to have a skill. Rather approach learning programming from the perspective of wanting to solve a problem. Approaching programming from this perspective will make programming relatable. In programming, there are certain tips you can employ to save you some resources and help you learn faster.
Concentrate on learning one language at a time
Most beginner programmers make the error of attempting to learn multiple languages at once. As exhilarating as it may seem at first, it is a prescription for disaster. Rather, please choose a language that interests you and immerse yourself in it before attempting to learn a new one. For example, if you want to design mobile apps, you should master Java or Kotlin programming languages. Python or JavaScipt are good places to start if you’re working on a website. Once you’ve mastered your primary language, you can go out and learn a second language to broaden your horizons.
Do not divide your learning into categories
Try a practice-inclusive strategy instead of investing many hours learning to program and then waiting to practice later. Spend an hour and 30 minutes putting what you’ve learned into practice for every three hours you spend learning how to program. As a result, the principles you’ve learned will become a part of you. The issue with categorizing is that you may forget what you’ve learned before putting it into practice. On the other hand, a practice-inclusive method provides you with practical skills as you learn. This strategy is used by CodeGym, CodeAcademy, Coursera, and others to teach programming.
2. Focus on Learning the Basic Principles
While learning to program, you must properly understand the principles and applications of concepts like data structure, algorithms, arrays, conditionals loops, variables, etc. Once you’ve mastered a programming language that matches your objectives and skill set, you should concentrate on learning how these fundamentals work to better your programming. You should be aware, for example, that data structure functions can be very particular. As a result, it may not be appropriate in all circumstances. Therefore, you’ll need to create an algorithm, usually a breakdown technique, to deal with a certain problem. After that, you might choose an appropriate data structure to solve the problem. Your program’s problem-solving abilities and aesthetic outlook depend on how much you can play with these concepts. Practices the use of these basics in your programming. That way, you won’t forget the things you have learned.
3. Enroll in Online Courses
It is no longer necessary to learn to code in a classroom setting. Anyone interested in learning a programming language may now do it from the comfort of his house, thanks to the internet. And the best part is that all you need to get started is a nice PC or tablet with an internet connection. When choosing the online platform to register with, go for one that helps you maximize your goal of learning to program. For instance, if you want to learn Java within a very short time frame, you can start with CodeGym. If you are learning Python programming language, enroll on Udemy or Datacamp. You can learn JavaScript from FreeCodeCamp, or Codecademy. It is best to register on a platform that has recognition for a particular language over time as they are such to give you proper exposure to the language of your choice.
4. Start a Project
To fully appreciate the power of programming, you need to get your hands to work. Put everything you’ve learned to good use. Begin by creating a project that fascinates you and has immediate practical application. You may design a small program, such as a website if you’re learning Python and want to be a Web developer. Everything you’ve learned throughout time is brought into sharp focus here. You’ll be able to examine how algorithms and data structures interact to solve problems. In a real project, you can see how loops, variables, and conditionals interact. The construction of the project is beneficial. When building a project, it is best to start with something simple to relate what you have learned to what you are building. Afterward, you can proceed to build complex projects as you get more comfortable and skilled.
5. Join a Coding Community
Now and then, you are sure to meet some hurdles along the way of your learning. At the same time, you could sort answers from online sources like Google or tutorial videos. But sometimes, you may not get the answers you seek. Other times, you want to feel understood by someone who has or is currently going through the same phase as you are. In the circumstances like this, a coding community is what you need. Coding communities provide answers to your queries in ways that are relatable. You could also get exposed to mentorship opportunities and the latest updates in the programming space. You can join any of the following coding communities:
StackOverflowToptalDevelopers ForumGitHubExpert ExchangeReddit, etc.
Programming is quite an interesting skill to learn, and its rewards are quite commensurate with the complexities that come with it. Once you have the skill, you could choose to pursue a career as a programmer or use it as a side hustle. Either way, the pay is good. But the journey up there would test your resolve, especially if you intend to build a career around it. Notwithstanding, sticking to the above written out guild would help make the journey less stressful and worthwhile.