AWS Security Challenges
The issues often show why backing up data is so critical as human error and not following best security practices leave an organization open to disaster. Examples of errors or not following best security practices are granting privileged access to S3 buckets for those that do not require it. The granting of privileged access, in general, is an issue across platforms and networks. Regarding AWS in particular, the lack of visibility regarding visualizing logs also prevents some from even knowing there is an issue. This in general makes backing up data across AWS services even more important so that disaster is not made worse by human error.
How to backup
Users can select various timeframes for backups placing them in greater control of the process. Further, the console shows the user what resources are selected to be backed up and allows for data to be restored from a specific backup date. Backups are done as insurance against disaster, be it a cybersecurity incident, natural disaster, or human error. Over the lifetime of an organization, such disasters are almost certain. Luckily, through both third-party developers and the cloud platform itself, several options have been made available so that if disaster strikes the organization is not permanently crippled.